Understanding How Chakradance can support your Journey to Health & Happiness

Chakradance with Rachel -Base Chakra Journey.

Chakradance helps support your health and Happiness by balancing the energy of your CHAKRAS. First lets look at the major areas of the BASE CHAKRA and how this chakra supports us.

The meaning for  the Sanskrit name of the 1st chakra, Muldahara, is root, it is the first chakra that acts as our root, and is concerned with our connection to the earth and our very basic, fundamental needs for survival – sustenance, shelter, the health of our physical body and our safety.


Building a Strong Foundation

I create stability and security by adequately providing myself with the basic needs of a health life, such as shelter, food, water and clothing.

I use my creativity to build a strong foundation, as this is an essential key to my survival and growth.

The more inner and outer stability I have, the more grounded and fulfilling my life will become.

I respect myself and take care of my physical body by nurturing and nourishing it.   My body tells me what it needs.



I trust that my instincts are correct and I let my natural intuitive feelings guide me forward.

I will know what I need to do and how to respond with wisdom to situations that come my way.

I have an innate desire to be of service in life, as I tap into this feeling, I will know what service I am called to do.

I believe in myself.


Courage and Faith

I embrace courage, faith and adaptability, as they are needed for me to overcome my fear of change or of the future.

I regularly remind myself to be positive and open to possibilities. knowing that I am the creator of my own destiny.

I embrace the warrior within me. I remind myself to be a warrior not a worrier!  I am not a victim.

I feel the fear and I do it anyway.  I am ready and eager to move forward!



As I observe in nature: growth takes time.

This is a time for reflection, persistence and surrender, as things unfold at their own pace.

I remain calm and tolerant during any challenging times.

I develop quiet hope and expectations based on trust both in myself and in a higher power.



By finding material security without being materialistic.  I will gain satisfaction, stability and inner strength.

I am resourceful. I put in the effort to be responsible for supplying fundamental needs in my life, such as shelter, food, water and clothing.

I take responsibility for where I now find myself in life as I move forward.

I get in touch with and trust my innate wisdom, which tells me that I will be provided with all my needs.



I plant myself on solid ground by constantly taking responsibility and having personal accountability for all that I do.

I allow others to depend on me being responsible My actions speak louder than my words.

I rise above excesses and over indulgences as I forgive myself for my past indiscretions.

I know I could not have acted in a more evolved way than I was able at the time.



I know what my needs are, and I actively pursue them knowing that I will be guided and provided for when I put in the effort.

I open myself to all possibilities and participate fully in life.

I use my imagination and my vision to initiate what I wish for and I pursue it.

I am not a victim! I am strong.

Join me on a Base Chakra Journey Event at Riverdell Spiritual Centre – 

3rd May 6.30pm – 8.30pm


Sacred blessings




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